Friday, April 4, 2014



I had a blog for seven and half years at That site has now become infected with Malware, which does sound dreadful, and is not letting me, and I presume others, get onto the homepage, so I am abandoning it and starting anew here. With the fresh start, I had wanted the new name and address to be positive, "Bourgeois Triumph" or "", but these were taken. I am easily frustrated by computers nowadays, which are getting to be as troublesome, and almost as expensive, to maintain as cars. I just want a convenient and easy space to take part in the internet, like everyone else has. I used to aspire to be some kind of writer or interesting person on a grand scale, because one ought to have aspirations in youth, but I cannot pretend to them anymore.

I have a lot of children, plus a job, plus declining faculties and concentration, so I will be lucky to get up one post a week. I do have another, extremely dry, blog dedicated mostly to reading and authors, at (which does not seem as yet to be infected by Malware), where I post even less frequently. If there is anyone out there who really loves me and craves as much of my intellectual companionship as they can get, they will want to read everything that is there too.

Characteristic iconography.

My primary interests at this point are, roughly, literature, movies, popular music, travel, success and failure, the past (false nostalgia more than history), pretty girls, especially if their look/attitude is somewhat out of date or they are otherwise underappreciated, what makes people smart, what to do in life when whatever intelligence you do have remains untrained/undeveloped, the relation of all this to social status, sports sometimes. I hope to get a real post up within a few days, and that the new site, freed from the various burdens and gloom accumulated by the old over the years, can attain some character of freshness and liveliness that the other was never able to.